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Shortcut Photoshop For Mac

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Shortcut Photoshop For Mac

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Painting ToolsAny Painting Tool Ctrl Option Command and dragSelect foreground color from color pickerAny Painting Tool OptionSelect foreground color from image with Eyedropper toolEyedropper tool Option ClickSelect background colorEyedropper tool ShiftColor sampler toolColor sampler tool Option ClickDeletes color samplerAny painting / Editing Tool 0.. Shortcut Photoshop For Mac InstallerPhotoshop Hotkeys For Mac


1 Basic Shortcuts for PhotoShop CC 2015Menu BasicsCommand Option Shift KShow Keyboard Shortcuts MenuCommand KPreferencesOption FFile MenuOption EEdit MenuOption IImage MenuOption LLayer MenuOption SSelect MenuOption TFilter MenuOption D3D MenuOption WWindow MenuFile BasicsCommand NNew FileCommand OOpen FileCommand Option OOpen/ Browse in CC BridgeCommand Option Shift OOpen/ Brows in BridgeCommand WCloseCommand Option WClose allCommand SSaveCommand Option SSave asF12Revert to last saved stateCommand Option Shift WExport asCommand Option Shift SSave for WebCommand Option Shift IFile InfoCommand PPrintOption Shift Command PPrint one CopyCommand QQuit PhotoShopEdit BasicsCommand ZToggle Undo (one step forwards/ backwards only)Command Option ZUndo (multiple steps possible; referred to as 'step backwards')Command Shift ZRedo (multiple steps possible; referred to as 'step backwards')Shift Command FFadeShift Command CCopy MergedShift Command VPaste in PlaceOption Shift Command VPaste IntoShift F5FillOption Shift Command CContent-Aware ScaleCommand TFree TransformShift Command TTransform againShift Command KColor SettingsImage BasicsCommand LAdjust LevelsCommand MAdjsut CurvesCommand UAdjust Hue/ SaturationCommand BAdjust Color BalanceOption Shift Command BAdjust to Black and WhiteLayers BasicsShift Command NNew LayersCommand JLayer via CopyShift Command JLayer via CutCommand Option GCreate/release Clipping MarkCommand GGroup LayersShift Command GUngroup LayersCommand ,Hide LayersCommand ]/]Bring forwards/ bring backwardsShift Command ]/]Bring to front/ bring to backCommand /Lock LayersCommand EMerge LayersCommand Shift EMerge VisibleSelect BasicsCommand ASelect allCommand DDeselectShift Command DReselectShift Command IInverse selectionCommand Option ASelect All LayersOption Shift Command FFind LayersCommand Option RRefine MaskShift F6FeatherFilter BasicsCommand FLast FilterCommand Option Shift AAdaptive Wide AngleShift Command ACamera Raw FilterShift Command RLens CorrectionShift Command XLiquifyCommand Option VVanishing Point3D BasicsCommand Option XShow/Hide PolygonsOption Shift Command XReveal allOption Shift Command RRender 3D LayerWindows BasicsCommand Option `Design Space PreviewF5Toggle Brush WindowF6Toggle Color WindowF7Toggle Layers WindowF8Toggle Info WindowF9Toggle Actions Window up2.. )OptionSwitch to Convert Point Tool (from Pen Tools) when pointer is over anchor or direction pointMagnetic Pen Tool Double-clickClose pathMagnetic Pen Tool Option Double-clickClose path with straight-line segment up12. Click

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Selecting ToolsFor selecting tools, press Shift Letter to cycle through the sub-tools of each.. Manage ViewsCtrl TabCycle forwards/ backwards through open documentsF/Shift FToggle Fullscreen Modes forward/ backwardsCommand [ ]/-Zoom in/ zoom outCommand 0Zoom to fit screenCommand 1Zoom to 100%Press and hold H, then ClickTemporarily Zoom into an ImageCommand 'Show/Hide GridCommand ;Show/Hide GuidesCommand RShow/Hide RulersSpaceTemporarily Switch to Hand ToolShift Page Up/Page DownScroll up/ scroll down in small incrementsPage Up/Page DownScroll up/ down one screenHome/EndScroll to to upper-left/ lower-right cornerCommand Shift ;Toggle SnapCommand Option ;Lock GuidesCommand YProof ColorsShift Command YGamut WarningCommand HExtrasShift Command HShow Target Path up4.. Refine Edge Dialog BoxCommand Option ROpen Refine Edge Dialog BoxF/Shift FCycle forwards/backwards through preview modesXToggle between original image and selection previewPToggle between original selection and refined versionJToggle radius preview on and offShift EToggle between Refine Radius and Erase Refinements tools up5.. Alt Click on Tool cycles through hidden toolsHHand toolVMove ToolMMarquee ToolsLLasso ToolsWMagic Wand and Quick Selection ToolCCrop and Slice ToolsIEyedropper, Color Sampler, Ruler, Note, and Count ToolJSpot Healing Brush, Patch, and Red Eye ToolBBrush, Pencil, Color Replacement, andSClone Stamp toolYHistory Brush toolEEraser toolGGradient toolODodge toolPPen toolTType toolAPath Selection toolURectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Line, and Custom Shape ToolK3D Object ToolsN3D Camera ToolsRRotate View toolZZoom tool up3.. Edit PathsDirect selection tool Shift ClickSelect multiple anchor pointsDirect selection tool Option ClickSelect entire pathPen (any Pen Tool), Path Selection / Direct Selection tool Command Option DragDuplicate a pathCommandSwitch to Direct Selection tool (from Path Selection, Pen, etc. HERE

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Cmd Opt P Flow 10% 100% Shift 1 0 Print One Copy Cmd Opt Shift P Hue/Saturation Cmd U Path / Direct Selection tools.. Transform Selections, Borders, and PathsOptionTransform from center or reflectShiftConstrainCommandDistortEnterApplyEscCancelCommand Option TFree transform with duplicate dataCommand Option Shift TTransform again with duplicate data up11.. Black-and-White Dialog BoxShift Command Option BOpen Black-and-White Dialog BoxTab/Shift TabJump to next/ jump to previous sliderShift Arrow Up/Arrow DownIncrease/Decrease selected value by 10%Arrow Up/Arrow DownIncrease/Decrease selected value by 1% up8.. Curves Dialog BoxCommand MOpen Curves Dialog BoxClickAdd a point to the Curve /-Cycle through point on the curveCommand DDelete a point from the CurveShift ClickSelect one or multiple points on the curveDeleteDelete selected points on the curveArrow KeysMove selected points by 1 unitShift Arrow KeysMove selected points by 10 unitCommand Click on the ImageAdd a Point to the composite curveShift Command Click on the ImageAdd a Point to the channel curve up9.. Press Escape to exit croppoing/Toggle crop shield off and onRuler Tool Option Drag end pointMake protractorShift Drag guideSnap guide to ruler ticks (except when View > Snap is unchecked)Option Drag guidConvert between horizontal and vertical guide up10. 0041d406d9 4

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Vanishing Point Tools (Brush, Stamp, Plane, Marquee, etc)[/]Increase/ Decrease Brush Size (Brush and Stamp Tools)Shift [/]Increase/ Decrease Brush Hardnewss up7. Click